p If you are looking for Geisha Girl guitar chords, you've come to the right place. You can play Geisha Girl by Hank Locklin using guitar or guitar. This song by Hank Locklin can also be played by that instruments. =/p p Geisha Girl guitar chords has rhythm and included in Once Over Lightly (1965) album. You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. /p h3Geisha Girl by Hank Locklin Guitar Chords/h3 Have you ever he[D]ard a love songbrThat you d[G]idn't under-s[D]tandbrWhere you m[G]et her in a [D]tea house,brOn the Island of J[A]apanbrAnd have you [D]ever travelled over many thousand m[G]ilesbrTo see a pretty G[D]esiha Girl, dressed in [A7]Oriental s[D]tyle.brbr(Chorus)brThey r[G]ead it in the t[D]ealeaves and it's wr[A7]itten in the [D]sandbrI [G]found love by the [D]heart full, in a foreign distant l[A7]andbrTell the [D]home folks that I'm happybrWith someone that's true, I [G]knowbrI love a pretty G[D]eisha Girl, where the o[A7]cean breezes [D]blow.brbrbrI have s[G]tood and watched the su[D]n rise, from the waters ofbrthe [D]seabrAnd w[G]ondered how much be[D]auty, in this whole world can therebr[A7]bebrMy d[D]reams are all worth dreamin' and it makes my lifebrwort[G]hwhilebrTo [D]see my pretty Geisha Girl, dr[A7]essed in Oriental s[D]tyle. p If you want to learn Hank Locklin Geisha Girl guitar chords, The 5 chords we'll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart /p p The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play Geisha Girl. Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. /p